2024 yılı Mayıs ayında düzenlenecek UNFF19 hazırlıkları başladı

6-10 Mayıs 2024 tarihlerinde New York’ta düzenlenecek UNFF19 hazırlıkları başladı. Bu çerçevede 9 Mayıs 2023 Perşembe günü “Üst Seviye Oturumu-the High-Level Segment of UNFF19” organize edilecek.

2023 yılında düzenlenen UNFF18 “teknik bir oturum” idi. Bir belge kabul edilmedi. UNFF19 ise “politik bir oturum” olacak. Burada iki adet önemli belge kabuledilecek. Bunlar;

1- Ortak Karar- omnibus resolution 2-Üst Seviye Oturum Deklerasyonu

UNFF19 müzakereleri 6 Mayıs 2024 Pazartesi gününden itibaren daha çok bu iki belgenin hazırlıklarına ayrılmış durumda. Çalışmalar 8 Mayıs 2024 Çarşamba günü tamamlanacak.

9 Mayıs Perşembe günü öğleye kadar hükümet yetkilileri, öğleden sonra ise özel sektör ve sivil toplum kuruluşları temsilcilerinin konuşmaları olacak. 10 Mayıs Cuma günü ise onay, rapor ve seçim günü.

Dear Chair and Members of UNFF19 Bureau,

In preparation for UNFF19, please find the attached that we have prepared to facilitate your consideration of the provisional organization of work of UNFF19. As you are aware, UNFF19 will be held from 6 to 10 May 2024 in UNHQ in New York. Per the decision of the Bureau, the High-Level Segment of UNFF19 will be held on 9 May 2024. UNFF19 is a policy session and is expected to adopt two negotiated outcomes, namely, the omnibus resolution and the HLS declaration. UNFF19 is also expected to attract wide participation from Member States, and stakeholders, who look forward to engaging in interactive discussions on important issues related to forests.

In preparing the attached draft, the above-mentioned aspects have been taken into account, by suggesting organization of a panel discussion on the first day of UNFF19, and four roundtables during UNFF19 HLS, as well as allocation of specific time for conducting parallel negotiations on the draft HLS declaration, and the omnibus resolution. The negotiations can begin as early as late Monday afternoon. The negotiation of the draft HLS declaration has to finish by Wednesday afternoon to allow its adoption during the HLS on Thursday. The programme for the HLS includes two consecutive HL Roundtables in the morning, and two consecutive roundtables in the afternoon. The morning roundtables are dedicated to discussions with senior officials from Member States, and the afternoon roundtables are dedicated to dialogue with heads of CPF member organizations, and the CEOs of private sectors and civil society senior representatives. The last item in the programme of HLS is the adoption of UNFF19 HLS declaration. The last day of UNFF19, Friday 10 May, is dedicated to the adoption of the omnibus resolution, report of UNFF19, date & venue, and provisional agenda of UNFF20, as well as the election of UNFF20-21 Bureau.

A. Suggested topic(s) for the panel on Monday 6 May are: (only one topic should be selected)

1.       Valuing forest ecosystems in national policy and strategy, or

2.       Forest-climate nexus: managing wildfires

As part of this panel, a presentation will be also made on “Model Forest Act Initiative”.

B. Suggested topics for the HL roundtables  in the morning are: (only two topics should be selected)

  1. Forest and climate finance
  2. Upscaling actions to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the Global Forest Goals by 2030
  3. Successes and challenges in implementing the UNSPF and reaching its GFGs by 2030
  4. Forests and water
  5. Promoting SFM as a solution for addressing urgent global challenges

C. The suggested topics for the HLS roundtables in the afternoon are:

  1. Roundtable 1: Ensuring coherence and synergy with MEAs (CBD, UNFCCC, CBD, CITES and Ramsar) and other forest-related processes at global, regional and national levels , OR  “Coherent implementation of intergovernmentally-agreed global goals and objectives on forests, climate change, and biodiversity
  2. Roundtable 2: Forests and bioeconomy

In light of the above, it would be appreciated if you could review the attached draft, and share your views, as well as your preferred topic(s) for the panel, and the HLS roundtables no later than 30 November 2023. Upon your review, the provisional organization of work of UNFF19 will be revised and finalized. The final version will be shared through an official letter by the Chair in December 2023 with UNFF members and partners as the Bureau proposed organization of work for UNFF19.

Geleceğe GÖNDERiler

Geleceğin, kişilerin hayalleriyle ve yaptıklarıyla şekilleneceğinin farkındayız. Herhangi bir şeyi daha iyiye götüreceğine inandığınız bir düşünceniz mi var? Herhangi bir konuda yeni bir fikriniz mi var? “Buldum” dediğiniz bir şey mi icat ettiniz? Heyecanınızı yürekten paylaşıyoruz. “Geleceğe GÖNDERi”lerinizi bizimle paylaşın, destek olalım! Lütfen görüş ve önerilerinizi gonder.carfu@gmail.com eposta adresi ile bizimle paylaşın. Köşe Yazıları bölümünde yazı […]