Muhtemel UNFF Büro Üyeleri-2024/2026

5 Mayıs 2024 Pazar gününden itibaren UNFF19 için New York’tayız. Doğrusu beklediğimden biraz zor geçiyor.

UNFF 18-19 Bürosu 2022 yılında seçilmişti. 10 Mayıs 2024 itibariyle görev süresi doluyor.


Başkan olarak Afrika ülkelerini temsilen Brundi’ nin BM Daimi Temsilcisi Büyükelçi Zéphyrin Maniratanga, Asya-Pasifik Ülkelerini temsilen İran’ lı Javad Momeni, Doğu Avrupa ülkelerini temsilen Çekya’dan Jaroslav Kubišta, Latin Amerika ve Karayipleri temsilen Costa Rika’dan Leticia Zamora Zumbado ve Batı Avrupa ve Diğer ülkeler grubunu temsilen Türkiye’den ben İsmail Belen görev aldık.

UNFF20/21 dönemi için yani 2025/2026 yılları için ise aşağıdaki kişiler aday gösterildi.

Bu konuda Sekreteryadan gelen mesaj aşağıdaki gibi.

UNFF20-21 – Election of Officers and secret balloting on Friday morning, 10 May.

On Friday morning, 10 May, following the closure of the 19th session of UNFF, the first meeting of the twentieth session of the Forum will be held for the sole purpose of electing the Bureau for UNFF20-21.

As there are currently two nominations for candidates for the one seat for Vice-Chair from among the Group of Eastern European States, the election for that group will be held by secret ballot. The elections will be conducted in accordance with rules 15, 66 and 67 of the rules of procedure of the Functional Commissions of ECOSOC which are applicable to the UNFF.

Pursuant to ECOSOC resolution 2000/35 of 18 October 2000 on the establishment of the United Nations Forum on Forests, all 197 States members of the UNFF are eligible to vote in the secret ballot (193 States members of the UN, Cook Islands, Holy See, Niue and State of Palestine).

The candidate obtaining the majority of votes cast (abstentions are not counted among the votes) and the largest number of votes will be elected.

Prior to the secret ballot to elect the Vice-Chair from among the EEG, the Forum would proceed to elect its Chair (Western European and other States) and the Vice-Chairs (African States, Asia-Pacific States, Group of Latin American and Caribbean States). 

Please find attached the nominations for the Bureau of UNFF20-21 (as of 6 May 2024).

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